About Us
Can you resist these faces?
Owning Golden Retrievers is both rewarding and frustrating. The breed is loyal, loving, fun and very active! They are beautiful, smart and hairy! Our dream of having a Champion Show dog was not as easy as it seems to achieve. Months and months of training and conditioning, years and years of traveling, grooming and buying supplies and coat products that I wouldn’t buy for my own hair! But it is so rewarding to say “We have a Champion Golden Retriever!” We are very excited to begin a new venture with our dogs. TDI or Therapy Dogs International is a wonderful organization that teaches dogs how to bring smiles to childrens faces and offer peace and serenity to the elderly. Not all dogs are suited to become therapy dogs but we are confident our pack will lead the way. We look forward to a more rewarding career for our dogs. We started researching vaccinations concerns, healty food, behavior, spay and neutering and the breed standard over 9 years ago. We don’t over vaccinate, following the Jean Dodds DVM vaccine protocol and have come to believe that for us, feeding raw food was the only answer. Having lost both of our previous goldens to cancer I started my research. We know that feeding raw is not for everyone, and know that it is a committment to our dogs and believe in it whole heartedly. Information on raw feeding is everywhere and after the dog food recall of 2007, I would never think of changing. There are several good kibble diets out there, but caution you on the ingredients. If you can’t pronounce it would you eat it? With that being said, we hope that you contact us for any reason regarding your dogs or ours … we love to talk dogs! Sincerely, Barbara & Alastair